It has been a very interesting period, this spring. I started rehearsing with the ensemble at the National Theatre of Mannheim for a production of ‘Alessandro’, an opera written by Gian Francesco de Majo. Its been a great experience doing something completely different to my usual musical activities, meeting and working with opera singers, actors, and stage crews. Also, its been a real pleasure to work with a unique director like Günter Krämer.
In between I managed a week’s trip to Tallin with Stefan Bauer’s band to play at the Jazzkaar Festival. It was terrific visiting one of the newest additions to the EU! We spent a pleasant week with our wonderful Estonian hosts.
End of April I spent 3 days in Kaiserslautern, rehearsing and performing Sigi Schwab’s ‘Ramayana’. The premiere was on the 1st of May: a grand success! In my opinion, Sigi Schwab was really inspired by this ancient Hindu mythology, and wrote some fine music which told the story beautifully.
I’m now enjoying the wonderful sunny days, travelling between Köln and Mannheim and looking forward to the summer gigs!